
Showing posts from February, 2016

Save Your Marriage From Failure

Today, “till death do we part” does not mean what it says to some people.  Today, divorce has taken over our society. We now see prenuptial agreements and couples maintaining separate bank accounts (some spouses will even withhold the other from having access to the account).  Marriage is about sharing your lives and committing yourselves to being together. When you allow separation of your lives emotionally and financially the enemy can tear down the marriage. God designed marriage as the joining together of one flesh, by sharing equally in all aspects of our lives and committing ourselves to being together. The idea of separation in these financial and personal aspects is a mentality of preparing for divorce, before it even happens. Being married requires self-sacrifice and laying down your personal desires. You are supposed to love your spouse, just as The Lord loves us.  What are some  ways that you can save your marriage from failure ?   1. Pray with your spouse. Pray
                    ~Forgiveness~  °When you forgive others, God will bring you blessings °You can move forward and forget, when you forgive °When you forgive, other's will begin to forgive you easier °You will begin to worship God with your whole heart, when  you show forgiveness °Forgiveness will show that you are kind hearted °Be more like Christ; Forgive easily °When you forgive you will have peace and not become bitter. Article Published By: Luther and Stephanie  Boyette

Daily Marriage Affirmations

Faithfulness:                       Stay faithful to your spouse. Cheating can be defined as: fantasying about the opposite sex, sharing intimate and personal details of your life with the opposite sex, and being physically intimate with the opposite sex. ( Hebrews 13:4) Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Forgiveness:                        Forgive your spouse, just as Jesus has forgiven you for your sins. Without forgiveness, you will never get past your problems . ( Mark 11:25, 26) And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Love:                                    You should love your spouse, just as Jesus loved you enough to die on the cross for your sins. When you love someone with an unconditional love, you will see