Stay Focused On God

 Have you ever felt like you did not know which direction your life was heading in? I feel that way, whenever I have too many things planned for the day. It never seems that there is enough time to complete the things that I have on my to-do list. I consider myself very detailed, so I like knowing how and when things are going to happen. 

There is only 24 hours in a day, which means that I have to sort through the most important ones on the list. My priorities are usually not what they should be, because I should always make it my first priority to spend good, quality time with God. The Lord always has time for us and gives us his undivided attention, which means that we should do the same for him. God has blessed us with days on this earth, the least we can do is to make it a priority to spend time with him and that means putting him first on your to-do list.

Putting God first in your daily list of things to do, will show the Lord that you are taking steps to strengthen your relationship with him, by placing him above everyone and everything. . Colossians 3:2, says, " Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things". We should all place God first in our lives. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love this. I bought your book from Amazon n so far I love it. I am eager 2 see more of your work.

  3. Thank you very much Victoria Bryce. We give God all the glory whenever it comes to taking credit for the book. Have a blessed day and I pray that God will continue to strengthen your marriage, by blessing you both.


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