What having an addiction to pills can do to someone

I wrote something years ago. I continue
to share it, because if I can save even one person than I will have accomplished something.

I am fully aware that some of you have children on here and if this offends you, than I apologize. However, I would rather them have the knowledge, instead of become a victim of this substance.

It all starts with an injury, a headache, a kidney stone, a surgery, or just wanting to try something new.  You may be afraid at first to try this unknown drug, because of the things that you’ve heard. You end up trying it anyway, because of the pain your feeling, the attempt of trying to be cool around your friends, or to escape reality. There is something that you do not know; once you shallow that pill, your life will NEVER be the same. The reason it changes your life, is most people enjoy the feeling that you receive off the pills. This will lead to you wanting more of what you just felt.

Once the pills run out you will start to sneeze, your nose will run, your body will shake and you will begin to feel weak and worn down. You start to ask yourself is this feeling from not having the substance that I just had in my body. You will soon know it to be true, because you will spend hours in the bathroom over a toilet.
At that moment you have two choices: you can let your body withdraw from this horrible chemical substance, or you can go get more (most choose the second choice, because the pain from withdrawing is worse than anything you will ever feel).

 If you are strong enough to shake the feeling, kudos to you. You need to know that the effects of not having anything in your system will only last two to three days. I suggest a lot of rest with Pepto and Tylenol.

There is the choice of finding more, but just remember you are letting this chemical have a hold on you. You will begin to start to fake sickness, fake hurting, you will call friends to find some, you will buy them on the streets, and you will even steal from family. Now remember that these things usually cost anywhere from $5-$10 a pill.

You will never feel like you have enough around, and once you start running low the cycle starts over again and again, until it has you homeless, friendless, your children taken from you, your family disowning you, and left alone to find more of this matter that has taken completely over your life. Unless, you stop this NOW!
After you have drained all of your sources, including yourself it may be too late!

If you have never tried pills: DO NOT TRY IT, DO NOT LOOK AT THEM! If someone is pressuring you to take them, walk away. If you are hurting, please try taking something that is not a narcotic, or other forms of pain management. Examples; massage, hot bath, Reiki, meditation, exercise, drink more water, or try talking with a professional.

There is help for anyone that is willing to break the cycle.  I have included a link to the National Opiate Abuse Hotline; seek the professional help you know you deserve!


(877) 647-2177

*Written by: Stephanie Boyette*


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