Are We Being Lied To About What Really Happened in Las Vegas?

Are We Being Lied to About What Really Happened in Las Vegas?

Is the media obscuring or embellishing the truth about this situation with misleading or irrelevant information? We need to realize that there's obviously a ton of evidence that point to the fact that the shooter was not alone! In fact, I do not believe that the alleged gunman killed those people at all. He was targeted, and for no reason. Here's my basis for stating such claims.
1. The Gunman, 65, no prior training, and no criminal background. This guy managed to sneak 14 weapons into a hotel room. He managed to sneak enough ammo to sustain a rate of fire for nearly an hour? In a place like Las Vegas where hotel and casino security is tighter than the secret service? I do not think so. I do not think Steve Paddock was involved at all other than to be a fall guy. Follow me, I have a point to make.
2. There is several shots of video footage released that show muzzle flashes coming from several windows. A room on the 4th floor, the 12 floor, the 16th floor, and two windows from the 32nd floor. On the 4th Floor you can visually see Medium Machine Gun Muzzle Flashes. That should be a dead giveaway that if someone affiliated with the government didn't do it then Steve if responsible wasn't a lone actor. On the 12th and 16th floor, you can see muzzle flashes from assault rifles. On the 32nd floor you can see two windows where there is muzzle flashes from long range rifles. This was not the act of one man ladies and gentlemen. This was premeditated.
3. Photos have been leaked of the alleged gunman. In the photos you see a man lying on the floor with a pool of blood around him. Do not pay attention to the blood or gore because that will lure you away from facts. The pistol which appears to be a .357 Magnum Snub Nose is lying on the ground above the man's head. It appears as if the man died from a gunshot wound through the brain via way through the oral cavity. However, I've been around forensic studies long enough to know that if a person commits suicide via shooting themselves in the head through the mouth, the bullet strikes the Medulla Oblongata. When this occurs then all motor functions cease. When that happens, there is no way that a firearm ends up on the ground above the victims head. It would fall below the waste, and to the left or right depending on whether the victim was right or left handed. In other words, our guy probably didn't have anything to do with the shooting at all.
4. Who did this if Steve Paddock wasn't the lone wolf gunman that managed to sneak 14 weapons and enough ammo for an hour of sustained fire into a hotel room? Well, from the looks of it, it wasn't the CIA or FBI. That's not their style. Sure they've done experiments on US citizens to see how effective methods would work on an enemy of the United States. However, they wouldn't do something this heinous. They wouldn't murder a massive amount of US citizens without gain. No, someone with political influence, and more importantly political influence orchestrated this. Notice Hillary Clinton's first tweet. It had nothing to do with condolences or shock and awe. It had everything to do with removing defense mechanisms from the American people. Why would she say something about silencers? Silencers were not used. Also, it's been 24 hours since the incident occurred. Now, specific members are stating that Steve Paddock wired money overseas. This is information that they would have had in the first hour due to the Patriot Act.
I'm not buying this story for anything. It seems to me as if someone is trying to sabotage an administration by gaining sympathy to liberal causes while blaming the administration for not taking enough action to disarm the people. This attack failed to achieve the proper narrative of the outcome, so we need to brace ourselves for the possibilities of more attacks like this one or even worse.

What happened in Las Vegas was a barbaric and inhumane incident! We need to start praying for our America, because we are definitely in need of some help!
Written by: Stephanie Boyette


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