Keeping peace in your Marriage

All of us have the occasional argument with our Spouse. I do not know about you, but I do not like to argue with anyone. I especially dislike arguing with my Husband, because most of the time we have a tendency to yell or say things that we do not mean to say to one another. Eventually, after we have both calmed down we do apologize for anything that we may have said or did during the argument that could have caused the other one any hurt feelings.  In a perfect world there would not be any arguing with our Spouse, but we all know that this world is not perfect.

Even small disagreements can became an issue if not handled properly. When I refer to disagreements, it can be getting upset over your Spouse showing more attention to video games. You may feel that lately, your Spouse is working too many hours, your Spouse may not be helping around the house, your Spouse may not have shown you enough attention, and the list goes on.

So how can you attempt to stop the arguments that escalate out of control? When a disagreements happens the two of you need to address the issue as soon as possible. Putting a problem off can lead to bigger problems in the future. Do not procrastinate when it comes to finding a solution, because as I mentioned previously putting things off could lead to bigger problems in the future.

If anytime during the argument you find that things have became out of control, such as yelling or throwing things, etc: take a walk, go into another room, or explain to your Spouse that you feel that things have gotten out of control and ask if the two of you could pray that God would calm you both down. My Husband and I both have noticed that when we argue, praying or walking into another room typically helps to calm us down.

Recently,  my Husband and I had a disagreement over an issue, that I feel could be a problem in the future. We addressed the issue, prayed about it, fixed the problem and went about our lives as normal. If we would have avoided the problem and not faced it head on, it very well could have lead to a huge argument in the future. We have learned from experience that when a problem comes to the surface, address it, pray about, fix it and move on.  Keep in mind what works for us may not work for your marriage, you will need to attempt different things, until you find a solution.

Always strive to stay positive, happy and loving in your relationship. If you find it difficult to remain positive during stressful times, recite this verse  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

You can find other great advice like this article in our new book, Cross the Bridge Into a Great Marriage: In 40 Days Flat. The book is available on paperback or kindle edition at

Article Published By: Stephanie Boyette (The Adorned Wife)


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